Maila is a very low-maintenance cat that loves her independence, though she is always happy to receive a few head scratches if they are offered.
Maila is indifferent to other animals, both cats and dogs, and can comfortably be around them without any signs of stress and will advise them if she wants her space without showing aggression.
Maila is currently taking Methimazole through an ear cream to keep her hyperthyroidism controlled, the best way is to lightly hold her head and apply the cream, she is very used to taking it and isn’t fussed at all. She also takes Gabapentin for some slight pain in her teeth that is easily placed in her food without issue.
Maila can be a bit possessive of her food bowl but has already shown great improvement as her hyperthyroidism continues to improve.
Age: 9 years
Sex: Female
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Size: M
Colour: Grey
Declawed: Front
If you would like to adopt this cute cat, don’t hesitate to fill out the online adoption form!
About this column:
Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Montréal area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.