Tragedy Plus Time: Montréal Comic Charles Daghlian

Charles Daghlian enjoys self-deprecating, topical humour, cultural jokes, as well as bits inspired by his personal life incidents. We got to speak with the Montréal comic to find out more about him.

Charles Daghlian

How would you describe your comedy style?

I’m very high-energy and loud! I enjoy Self-deprecating, topical humour, cultural jokes, as well as bits inspired by personal life incidents.

Who are some of your influences?

Robin Williams, Don Rickles, Rodney Danferfield, Larry David, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, Kevin Hart, Eddy Murphy, Russel Peters, Sugar Sammy, and Rachid Badouri.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

Jerry Seinfeld (I used to pray to God for him to turn me into Seinfeld one day, but God has a sense of humour also, and he turned me into George instead…)

Who is your favourite comedian now?

I love Sebastian Maniscalco, Anthony Jeselnik, Jim Jefferies, Bill Burr, Louis CK, and newer guys like Mark Normand, Sam Morril and Andrew Schulz.

What is your pre-show ritual?

I like to listen to music that pumps me up. Something funky, upbeat and positive. James Brown, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Daft Punk! I listen to the host at the beginning of the show to see who’s in the audience, which helps me figure out and decide which jokes I’ll do that night. Right before the host brings me up, I start to stretch and shake the stress off (literally shake my limbs), jump up and down in one spot to get the blood pumping, and sprint towards the stage when they announce my name.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

It might feel very conceded to say the House of Jazz, which is the venue where I run my monthly show, but it really does feel like home to me now. I love Melrose, McKibbins, Brass Door or any of the other fantastic rooms in Montreal, and had a blast doing shows out of town as well in Ottawa, Vancouver, New York, New Orleans, Las Vegas. But the House of Jazz has a different energy. I’m not afraid to go off script there because I feel so comfortable and at home. It’s also so beautiful and feels grandiose!

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

The last joke I usually finish my sets with. Might have been one of the first bits I ever wrote, but still use it to this day. Ends my set with a bang, and generally always works. Come see me live if you haven’t heard it. If you have seen me live, you definitely remember it.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Going to comedy shows in person. Live comedy is my favourite way of discovering new talent. Open mic night you can see 12 comedians on a show, one after the other, all with different energies and styles of jokes.

Tell us a joke about your city.

I saw a guy in the US at the beach that had a tattoo of an eagle right on his chest. The eagle had a gun in one hand, a Coors Light in the other, and was wearing a Make America Great Again hat. And that inspired me to get a tattoo about where I’m from. To get a tattoo that represents Montreal.

So I did it! I got a tramp stamp right above my ass, and it says: DÉTOUR RUE BARRÉE!

Decided to get it right above my pothole.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

Bi-weekly comedy at the House of Jazz Laval. English is always the last Tuesday of the month, and French is 2 weeks before or after that. We are celebrating the 1 year anniversary of Laval’s Got Jokes (English show) by putting on a special gala happening Tuesday, May 30th at the House of Jazz Laval

We are also starting a French show at the House of Jazz, taking place Tuesday, June 13th at 8 pm.

Tickets are available here.

Where can we follow you?

Instagram | Facebook

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Akeem Hoyte-Charles. Very funny, so comfortable on stage, hard-working, performing all over Canada and the US, and he’s also a great supportive friend.

ALSO: George Assily. He’s fearless on stage! John Cotrocois. So charismatic and energetic! Raajiee Chelliah. One of the fastest-growing female comedians in the city. Performed in France also!



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