My Digital Life: Content Creator Scot-William Pierre Louis

Scot-William Pierre Louis, also known as the content creator who founded the social media presence called, is a Montreal-based creative whose niches include food, activities, fashion and lifestyle in a slice-of-life format. With over 22.5k followers and 2.5M likes on TikTok, they bring sleek and sophisticated youth-centric content to their audience. We recently had a chance to catch up with them to learn more about the work and to ask them about their future plans as a content creator.

Scot with one T

What is your YouTube channel/Twitch stream/podcast/etc called and what is it about?

I am a content creator and my main platform is TikTok, where I go by Scot with one T.

When did you start it? What motivated you at the beginning?

I’ve always posted on social media for fun. I love connecting with people who share similar interests, experiences, and humour, and social media has allowed me to do that with people from all around the world.

Who were you inspired by? Any influences?

Having been on social media for more than 10 years, I’ve consumed all kinds of content. Some of the most impactful creators for me have been Black American creators like Anayka She on TikTok and Keyon, who have inspired me with their humour and authenticity.

How would you describe your audience?

From what I can tell, my audience is primarily made up of the youth of Montreal, which I absolutely love. Being seen as an icon among people my age and younger is simply surreal and humbling.

What is your creative process? Do you have people who work with you?

I work alone. My creative process is pretty spontaneous while still being very intentional. I often come up with ideas on the spot, turn on the camera, and start filming.

How do you monetize your content? Do you also have another job?

I monetize my content through collaborations with brands. I also work in communications, managing and creating content for the Instagram page of Concordia’s Francophone Student Centre. I do all this while also being a full-time student at Concordia.

What is your favourite piece of content you have created?

I really enjoy making videos about the STM. I’ve always taken public transit—I know all the metro stations by heart—and I have a weirdly deep interest in urban design, so it feels natural to include this passion in my content.
Here is one of my favourite examples.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

The best part of being a content creator is building a community of people who share similar experiences and connecting with them just by being myself.

The worst part is dealing with hate comments, which often include slurs or other hateful remarks. While they don’t affect me mentally, they do highlight some of the negativity that is unfortunately still present in society.

What are your future plans for your channel?

I’d love to branch out into long-form content to discuss various topics—personal, social, and political. A podcast is something I’ve been considering, but I don’t want to jinx it!

Where can we follow you?

TikTok | Instagram

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Canadian content creator that you love?

I’d like to highlight a fantastic Canadian creator named Ivy Guerrier, she’s a Montreal-based DJ, model, and overall creative. I love how she manages to strengthen community ties in all her endeavours. They are doing amazing work, and I believe they deserve more recognition.