Callie the cat is looking for a new lovely home in the Montréal area

Favourite things in life for Callie are food, sleep, and love. Throughout the day, she will be sleeping by your side, on the carpet or the couch. At night, she will sleep blissfully at the end of your bed, especially if you put an extra comfy blanket there. When you come home, she will be there to meet you, often right behind the door! And despite her age, she still has a playful spirit, and will enjoy playing with wand toys. Even though she is declawed, she still enjoys “scratching” corrugated cardboard cat scratchers. She’s curious about human food, but not too much. She loves treats and will have no problem asking you for some when you’re in the kitchen! She’s a bit picky about litter, but her fosters have discovered if you put a litter tray of clay litter next to one with paper (Fresh News brand), she will make a choice that satisfies her.

Callie has some specific health needs that will require vigilance, regular veterinary care, some monitoring and a special diet to maintain kidney health. She also has arthritis, likely as a result of being declawed, so she has a bit of a limp. While she can’t run and requires medication for stress and pain relief, accessibility furniture, such as pet stairs or a ramp, will help her reach her favourite places. Her fosters have also discovered a stress-free strategy to give her her medication, which they will happily share with the person who adopts her. Lastly, she has two lumps, one on her cheek and one on her side, which will need to be monitored, but are not concerning.

Despite all her health needs, Callie is an incredibly loving and affectionate cat who will enrich the life of the person who opens their heart to her and adopts her. There is never a lonely moment when she is around. As a grandma cat, she makes all sorts of adorable grumbling sounds to share her feelings of contentment (or annoyance if you’re petting her while she’s trying to sleep!). She would best be suited in a quiet home where people are around a lot. She does not like other cats (and safe to assume dogs) and will need to be the only pet in the home. Since she is a bit fragile with her arthritis, she probably isn’t suitable in a home with young children, ideally, with few to no staircases, due to her mobility limitations. If you’re looking for a cat that will keep you company and make you laugh with her vocalizations and personality quirks, Callie is the one. She will be so grateful to the person who gives her a loving, warm home for her retirement years.



AGE: 15

SEX: Female

BREED: Domestic Medium Hair





If you would like to adopt this cute cat, don’t hesitate to fill out the online adoption form!


About this column:

Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Montréal area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.



About Demian Vernieri 529 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.