Le Nichoir, a wild bird conservation centre in Hudson, Quebec, is dedicated to treating over 2,500 injured and orphaned wild birds annually while educating the public about bird conservation. Founded in 1996, the organization addresses the critical decline of bird populations by providing medical care to birds affected by human-related threats and promoting awareness about wildlife protection. Through rehabilitation, education, and community engagement, Le Nichoir works to mitigate the impact of habitat loss, window collisions, and other human-induced challenges facing wild bird populations.
Describe your charity /non-profit organization in a few sentences.
Le Nichoir is a wild bird conservation centre located in Hudson, Quebec. The centre receives and treats over 2,500 injured and orphaned wild birds each year and works to educate people of all ages to promote bird conservation and healthy cohabitation.
What problem does it aim to solve?
Wild bird populations have declined by nearly 3 billion since 1970. Nearly a third of our species are in decline. Several factors affect birds, including habitat loss, insect population declines and climate change. They are also affected by threats that may seem minor but accumulate to cause innumerable losses of avian life. These include predation by cats going outside, collisions with windows, electrical towers and other human structures as well as cars. Le Nichoir particularly admits to and treats individuals directly affected by the presence of humans and the threats that are present all around us.
When did you start/join it?
Susan Wylie joined Le Nichoir in 2005 or 2006 I think (I’m not sure). I (Jo-Annie Gagnon) first joined Le Nichoir in 2010 and then full-time in 2013. Le Nichoir was founded in 1996.
What made you want to get involved?
Le Nichoir is an organization that fulfils an important mission by helping animals in distress but also by promoting prevention and threat reduction through education. In addition, Le Nichoir is fortunate to be able to count on a community of dedicated, hard-working and committed volunteers and employees.
How was the situation when you started? How has it changed since then?
In its first year, Le Nichoir received approximately 460 injured or orphaned birds. During this first year, Le Nichoir operated out of the residence of one of the founders. The organization moved to the barn located at 637 Main Street the following year and remained there until 2016 when we opened the new center that we still use. The centre now receives and treats over 2,500 birds per year.
Although the number of admissions has increased, it is important to know that this is not an increase in animals getting hurt, but rather an increase in people who know our organization and care about wildlife by taking the time to rescue birds in need. We can also see that many educational efforts have paid off; a few years ago, offering bread to ducks was an extremely prevalent idea. Today, this idea is still very widespread but many more people, especially children, are aware of the potentially harmful effects of bread on birds. Similarly, many people will keep their domestic cats indoors or build them an outdoor enclosure.
What more needs to be done?
There are many ways to help wild birds; keep cats indoors or ideally control their movement outdoors by building them an enclosure. Place anti-collision devices such as dots or decals on the outside of windows to prevent collisions. Use primarily native plants and plants from bushes, shrubs and other low-growing plants in your landscape. Promote the presence of insects by not using pesticides outdoors and by keeping dead wood and dead leaves. Help protect remaining natural habitats. Get involved in your municipality to encourage regulations that are good for the environment and wildlife.
How can our readers help?
Readers can help the centre by volunteering either directly with the birds or by helping with transportation. Some volunteers also help us with article writing, editing and translation, participating in our fundraising events etc.
You can also support the Nichoir by making a donation or organizing a fundraiser. You can also shop in our boutique.
Do you have any upcoming events?
Our next event will be our fundraising dinner auction on March 29th at the Whitlock Golf Club in Hudson. Tickets will be on sale soon. We will also be hosting a World Migratory Bird Day event this spring. Stay tuned for details.
Where can we follow you?
Website | Facebook | Instagram
PAY IT FORWARD: What is an awesome local charity that you love?
There are several that are great! Le Nichoir works particularly with the SPCA of Montreal