“A Day in the Life” with: Montréal Visual Artist Catherine Potvin

Catherine Potvin is one of those people who finds potential and beauty everywhere, in a very honest and simple way. The world is really her playground, constantly creating with anything she has under her hands. She inspires around her by this playful spirit she carries and her funny imaginary mind.

Her deepest passion and inspiration is the organic that surrounds us, nature in particular. It’s like watching the nonhuman was giving her a more accurate understanding of human kind. Questioning the world’s purpose and rethinking the existing is her favourite exercise. She truly wants to elevate everyone around her by unleashing their creativity for a better world.

Catherine Potvin
Picture of me in front of the Swirl Murale on Rachel Street
Catherine Potvin
Test with VR in my home office
Sketching for a project
Illustrations for the well known Quebec Serie C’est comme ça que je t’aime
Illustration for Eames Institute
Illustration, collaboration with the 3D Montreal artist Baeige
Catherine Potvin
Catherine Potvin
Illustration for Lil Sis in Sydney, Australia


Which neighbourhood are you in?

I live and work on Beaubien Street, near the plaza Saint-Hubert in Rosemont Petite Patrie. It’s a very vibrant neighbourhood, bringing together all kinds of people in a very positive way.

I love to walk in the alleys and see the backyards, the trees and gardens and all the details life can offer, as simple as broken cement or nature taking over abandoned places. Grafitis is also something I love looking at, like I was reading the history of places and cultures.

I am also very lucky to have a “pied à terre” from the Laurentides to Bas-du-Fleuve, which is a wonderful chance and opportunity to be able to create and get inspired by different landscapes.

What do you do?

I work as an illustrator, creating original visuals for brands and individuals. This work can take many forms, serving all kinds of needs.

But being an artist is for me so much deeper than a simple profession and title, even bigger than just myself I would say. I sometimes think that my physical body is a simple vehicle that allows me to make my ideas tangible. I believe everything can be an inspiration and a potential tool to build something new or just transform and rethink a purpose. I also see the simple action of living as a performance in itself.

I love music profoundly. I compose a bit for myself, playing piano mostly. I love photography, capture life arounds me. I am a big fan of insects and nature. I love clothing and sewing…My only problem is really the lack of time to accomplish everything I have in mind.

What are you currently working on?

As usual, I juggle several projects at once, whether commissioned works or commercial projects.

I am currently completing one of my biggest projects to date which was to create the visual universe of a six-story private complex in the heart of Manhattan, New York. I’ve made more than a hundred identity illustrations for the occasion and I’m very excited about this one.

I’m also working with two local furniture designers and manufacturers that I love. Collaborating a lot internationally, I feel home when local projects show up. I truly believe in the talent and potential that we have in Québec!

Where can we find your work?

Among many projects, you can find my characters at Vinvinvin on Beaubien Street or at Swirl on Rachel which are the most recognized so far locally. If you visit New York, Place-des-Fêtes and Winona’s also present several of my illustrations. Plouf in South Korea and Kaf in Scotland are also among my favourites, not forgetting Lil Sis in Australia.

You can see a preview of my work on my website or social networks, but keep your eyes open and there are chances that one of my guys will greet you somewhere sometimes 😉