As a professor of literature, it’s pretty obvious: Linda Morra loves books. She loves talking about books, she loves reading books, and she loves sharing books. So, becoming a podcaster about books was inevitable. And that’s how her podcast, Getting Lit With Linda, was born. Winner of the Canadian Podcast Award in the category of Outstanding Education Series (2022) and shortlisted for a Women in Podcasting Award (2024), Linda continues to blaze trails in this medium.

Which neighbourhood are you in?
I am ensconced in the now well-manicured Plateau/Mile-End district of Montreal, jammed with cafes, parks, restaurants, and boutiques. When I first moved here, it was the primary locale for the textile industry—it seemed appropriate for me because my grandmother used to work in a curtain factory and was an extraordinary weaver, but I also loved the proximity to several tango venues. Over several years, I have watched the old textile factories taken over by developers for condos or artists for studios. I like hanging with the artists, and, I can say, despite all its changes, you still find the best bagels in the city here.
What do you do?
I am a Professor by training and calling—it means I take the part about really understanding what we learn from literature seriously, with real devotion. I tell my own stories based on the stories I read in order to help others grow and learn, and to help me grow and learn too. That’s why I developed my podcast, Getting Lit With Linda, where we learn to love literature, one book at a time, and for which I interview Canada’s storytellers and share my connection to these works on the podcast. I also swig espresso and read fashion magazines as not-so-guilty pleasures.
What are you currently working on?
Squeezing the last little bit of life out of summer like that almost empty toothpaste tube! But seriously: I have multiple projects on the go right now. I’m finishing the biography of Jane Rule, a Canadian author, while developing the new season of Getting Lit With Linda—it’s the sixth season. And that means I will reach my 100th episode very soon!
Where can we find your work?
You can check the podcast, Getting Lit With Linda, on any platform where you listen to podcasts—iTunes, Spotify, and so on—or you can find all the episodes on my website and on Instagram. My other work, both literary and academic, can be found on my other website. And don’t be afraid to look me up in one of my favourite places on earth in Montreal–the local library.