Homegrown Business: Frédérick Labbé, Founder of Powerlace

Powerlace is a Montréal business that sells self-lacing shoes activated by bodyweight. We spoke with their founder Frédérick Labbé to find out more about them.


What is your business called and what does it do?

We are Powerlace, leading the shoe industry with the first-ever self-lacing shoe activated by bodyweight. Our revolutionary shoe is electricity-free, hands-free and 100% powered by you.

What made you want to do this work?

I’m an engineer but most importantly I’m an inventor. My entire career has been dedicated to bringing my visions to life. For this one particularly, I knew it had the potential to be a worldwide success. I envision being a dynamic leader in the footwear industry, but most importantly I wish to help people for whom my invention is a solution.

What problem did you want to solve with the business?

Apart from the fact that lacing your shoes is a hassle no one has time for, lacing your shoes is a necessity many people struggle with. If it’s a solution for everyone, why not make it an option for everyone?

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Tying your shoes is a thing of the past! Our shoes are for everyone. Not only is our men’s collection available, but our women’s and kid’s collection will also be available next year. By 2022, we wish to see everyone wearing Powerlaces.

How does your business make money? How does it work?

Following the success of our Kickstarter campaign, we’ve moved our pre-order sales to our new website. You can now get your pair of Powerlace shoes exclusively on our website.

Where in Montreal can we find your shoes?

Powerlace shoes will be in stores throughout Canada by 2022.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your team when comparing services? Give the answer as well.

Why buy Powerlace instead of other brands?

We are a small Canadian business with big dreams. Our installations are on the south shore of Montreal.
All our expertise and extraordinary team are proud Canadians. We value unity and teamwork. We strive to make products and lead teams that are empowering and inclusive. We create quality work by encouraging curiosity and new ideas that fuel innovative breakthroughs. We are much more than a revolutionary self-lacing shoe.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

We get to finally present all our hard work to the world. We strongly believe that our product improves the lives of our customers. We strive to keep innovating and pushing the limits in an industry that has remained the same for many years. However, navigating the shoe industry as a small Canadian business is filled with ups and downs. Not to mention that the current global situation brings many challenges to the
manufacturing sector. Whether it be transport delays, lack of supplies, or the labour shortage, something always comes up, pushing us to reinvent ourselves. Nonetheless, it’s all worth it when we meet our customers, have them try on our shoes, and tell us how much they’ve been waiting for it.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

That you need to be lazy to buy a self-lacing shoe.

Where can we follow you?

You can follow us on social media:

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Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.