Jacques is a charming, affectionate, and loyal dog. Aged 8, he still has plenty of energy to go on walks and he loves to run across large parks. He also knows when to cuddle up by the fire and relax with the rest of his family.
Jacques is completely leash-trained and walks calmly alongside his family no matter what obstacle we pass by – no dog, car or bike will phase him!
He loves all kinds of cheeses and always waits for permission to eat his meals before he gobbles them up! Jacques is looking for a warm family who will spend time with him, however, his foster family has left him alone at home for 6-8 hours without any issues!
If you are ready to offer him a stable and loving home, Jacques is so happy to create beautiful memories with you!
Age: 8 years old
Sex: Male
Breed: Mixed Breed, Large (over 44 lbs fully grown)
Size: M
Colour: Brown
Declawed: No
If you would like to adopt this sweet dog, don’t hesitate to fill out the online adoption form!
About this column:
Each week we feature animals available for adoption from local shelters in the Montréal area with the hopes that our readers will assist in finding good homes for them. If you, or someone you know, has the resources to take care of one of these animals, please do get in touch with the appropriate shelter via the links provided.