Five Minutes With: Montréal Alt-Psychedelic Soul Musician Maza

Maza is Texas-raised but situated in the bohemian lands of Montréal. He is still riding the wave of his first official EP, Unraveled Mind, where he showcases vulnerability and deep consciousness, blending it with jazzy melodies. As Maza shifted into a new era, you will see the incorporation of psychedelic soul elements and his Southern style. Be on the lookout for up-and-coming releases this summer.





Alt-Psychedelic Soul



# of Albums:


Latest Album:

Unraveled Mind

Latest Single:

Dis Neighborhood June 28th

Latest Video:

Favourite musicians growing up:

SUC, Dj Screw, Z-ro, Bootsy Collins, Led Zepplin. There are too many to name!

Favourite musician now:

This is tough because so many Artists are killing me and have constantly been on heavy rotation for me. To name five in no particular order would be Erykah Badu – GonjaSufi – Modest Mouse – Khruangbin – Grant Green

Guilty pleasure song:

Charlie Crocket, I ain’t from Memphis

Live show ritual:

I always have to have about 30 mins or so of silence before the show starts to reflect and give thanks.

Favourite local musician:

Whoa! This is tough; many artists in the MTL are killing it, but I have to give shout-outs to Zibuwa, Lapelúda, Nicholas Cangiano, Hanzo, Shem, Fred, Avery Jane, Victoria Jean, Alexandre Nuance the list is endless

EP or LP?

Both work for me. I am just honoured to have music to listen to!

Early bird or night owl?

Sometimes, night turns into day, and days turn into night.

Road or studio?

Travelling off the top! There is nothing like being somewhere for the first time and absorbing the beauty of the environment.

Where can we follow you? 



Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

Le Red Tiger!!!!! Straight Up Top Notch

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

Bernard St in Mile End, Yo! There are so many good record shops like La Rama, and also the city’s best donuts in the city! (Bernie Beigne)!

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

Jean Menace Park: You never know what you might find in this park: live music, sports, BBQ. It is a beautiful spot with a collection of many cultures hanging peacefully.

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

Turbo Haus – many great musicians and many different styles

What is your favourite music store in your city?

180g!!!! They are holding it down for great record selections and great food, nothing but a chill time.