“A Day in the Life” with Montréal Visual Artist Doina Falcon

Born in a Romanian family of intellectuals who exposed her to arts, Doina Falcon was given the chance to come in touch with a world of sound, colour, rhythm and beauty which were the sources of her growth as a complex artist.

Her passion started early, encouraged by her art teacher in the Communist Romania. In spite of her obvious talent, like most of Bucharest’s young intelligentsia, she chose a more pragmatic path, a career in engineering. In the ‘80s she immigrated to Canada.

Doina’s career as a software engineer was very successful. In 2005 she studied oil painting and since then, never stopped. Doina went right back to her first love.

She painted with gusto, exploring the world of colours with frenzy, a self-taught guru. She quickly became a NAME among the Montreal art lovers. Her brushes are expressing the beauty of nature and life, the silence of the wind, the swirl of the human dance, the struggle of the young and the peace of mind of the wise. Her craft is the journey of a soul at peace in a world of coloured mirrors, showing us the impossible mission to put her in a box or a trend or an influence.

Doina is not resembling anybody, her craft is a fusion of millions painters.

-Written by Vera Oren, close friend

Doina Falcon
Working in my studio
Doina Falcon
Receiving an Honorary Mention from CAPSQ for my work “Family of Three” (Centre des artistes peintres et sculpteurs du Quebec)
Happy get together with my boys.
My works presented in the “Autumn Rhapsodies” exhibition with UAPMR (Romanian Artists and Musicians in Canada)
Presenting my work at the “Large Paintings” exhibit with ArtTram. (Artists of Mont-Royal)
At the event “Art droit au Coeur” next to my donated painting “Sunset”
Doina Falcon
With two of my art collectors at my solo exhibition, “Soulful Encounters”
Doina Falcon
With my artist friends at my show “Abstract Works” at Studio77


Which ‘hood are you in?

I live on West Island not far from the river. I love my neighbourhood with its wonderful bicycle paths, tennis courts, artists’ associations, restaurants, art studios and boutiques.

What do you do?

I am a visual artist. I have been painting for 15 years in all mediums. I am passionate about what I do, my desire is to bring the viewer to enjoy the present moment through my art. I am very active in participating in art shows. My creative process is an ongoing journey made of inspiring moments. I also donate my art to good causes like “Fondation des Auberges du Coeur” to help young people in difficulty or “Coups de pinceaux, Coups de ciseaux” to help people with mental health problems.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently preparing several exhibitions: “CoExistance” for the Black History Month, “Constantin Brancusi” at the “Leonardo Da Vinci” centre and a solo show at “Dupond et Dupont” in June. I am also planning for a 15 years of painting retrospective in 2025.

Where can we find your work?

The best place to find my work is my website. Some of my works are in private collections all over the world. I am a member of “Artists in Montreal” and other artist associations.

I presently have two ongoing exhibitions: “Soulful Interactions”, a solo exhibit at the Beaconsfield Library and a group show at “Viva Vida” art gallery in Pointe-Claire.


About Demian Vernieri 479 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.