“A Day in the Life” with Montréal Actor Felicia Shulman

Felicia Shulman and I met at an audition for ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ in Montreal circa 1984. We have spoken every day since. She is my soul sister. I have witnessed her flourish as a person and multidisciplinary artist. An accomplished and award-winning actress, Felicia gives 100%+ to anything she commits herself to. Whether it be Theatre, Film and Television, in a recording studio or through movement (she teaches Nia, GROOVE, Yoga, gives aquafit & aqua yoga classes and is a personal trainer). Felicia is focused, passionate, committed and present.

We have had the honour and privilege to be present for each other in many of our live’s turning points and moments of truth. Felicia is my friend, colleague, mentor, spiritual advisor. Always questioning and always curious, Felicia Shulman lives her life out loud. Respect.

-Written by longtime friend and colleague, Richard Jutras

Felicia Shulman
My husband, actor/photographer/videographer Bill Rowat, and I love to play tourists in our incredible city. We often take spontaneous walks to the old port for a couple of pints and a nosh. Montreal invites exploration and new things to enjoy and discover, in any season.
Felicia Shulman
Walking down Notre Dame street to the Lionel Groux metro from my chiro’s. I had to stop and take a pic of that spectacular sunset.
My soul brother, Richard Jutras and I laughing and splashing naked in the waves. Truly one of my favourite places to be in the whole wide world, ANY DAY. ANYWHERE!
Take a walk down Sherbrooke Street east of Berri and you can literally slide down the street! This spot is dedicated to Simonne-Monet-Chartrand (1919-1933) Author and social activist, she dedicated her life to the development of social justice and peace.
Our friend Gloria Harding planted a peace tree which lives on the McGill campus. If you walk in through the main gates and follow the sidewalk to your right you will behold the beautiful tree and plaque dedicated to global peace, harmony and understanding. Gloria can’t walk there any more, so Bill and I took a stroll and some pics to send to her, on our way home from a movie.
There are murals all over Montreal. I literally stepped out of the St. Laurent metro and this is what I saw.
Felicia Shulman
Ya Never know what you’re going to see on a walk in our city. A dino wearing a muffler? My word!
Felicia Shulman
The dressing room becomes my new home for every production.


Which neighbourhood are you in?

I Live in the Plateau. I have loved every area I have lived in, now here, in Montréal, but in Toronto and in Vancouver as well. The Plateau’s bonus is that it’s Groovy and has a lot of action plus it’s got a neighbourhood family feel. Best Halloween EVER in the Plateau.

What do you do?

I’m an actor by trade, (50-plus years on stage to be exact) and I’ve been studying and teaching movement for 3 decades! I have watched the “fitness industry” evolve from “ bump and pump” à la Jane Fonda, to a more holistic embodied approach. I never stop studying and honing my chops in BOTH of my chosen fields. Here in Montreal, it’s not uncommon to go from the recording studio, to a film set and the next day, I’m at the rehearsal hall for an upcoming play.

What are you currently working on?

Besides mounting this incredible play, which is brand new, we are constantly evolving it. Tweaking it.

Massaging it… I have a feeling that’s gonna keep happening as we run. The magic of a new show like “Thy Woman’s Weeds” is that collective, collaborative, creation aspect- on steroids. It is at once terrifying to think of trying a new bit, in front of an audience, for the first time and simultaneously, the exhilaration of it all.

I’m currently and regularly in studio for a cartoon about an animal reserve, called Audrey’s Refuge. I play Pat. Super fun, and I’m learning a lot about animals I never knew existed before. That’s another gift of being an actor; being exposed to so many different worlds, all the time.

Where can we find your work?

You can find my work if you fire up your laptop or phone, or turn on your TV, or radio and hear a commercial I have voiced. I’m there in possibly a video game you dig and you can always check out my IMDB. I’ve been doing this “acting” thing since before they kept electronic records- I still dream of gigs and ask myself, did I shoot that in the 80’s? Or is this really a dream? Ahahaha…


About Emilea Semancik 148 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: