“Five Minutes With” Montreal-based Jazz musician Jean-Michel Pilc

Jean-Michel Pilc was born on October 19, 1960, in Paris, France. Now a Canadian, US and French citizen. But considers himself a citizen of the world. He is our latest featured local musician.

Jean-Michel Pilc
Photo by: Axelle Du Rouret


Jean-Michel Pilc


Jazz, improvisation, music.


1962, when I heard my first records.

# of Albums:

Around 20 as a leader or co-leader, twice as many as a sideman

Latest Album:

“Alive” (double album recorded live at Dièse Onze jazz club in Montreal with my trio)

Latest Single:

“Isn’t it a lovely day” on Justin Time

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:

There are too many to choose from. Bix Beiderbecke made me fall in love with jazz.

Favourite musician now:

Same as above, depends on the day and the mood. Goes from Bach to Martial Solal, who is 95 but still the best pianist I know.

Guilty pleasure song:

What my daughter makes me hear on the radio. Again, it’s different every day.

Live show ritual:


Favourite local musician:

Can’t answer, don’t want to hurt friends or make enemies.

EP or LP?

Vinyl is still the best.

Early bird or night owl?

Early bird, courtesy of my kids.

Road or studio?

It’s like Bordeaux and Bourgogne, both great, just different. Why choose?

Any shows or albums coming up?

“Symphony”, a solo piano album which just came out on February 17th on Justin Time Records.

Where can we follow you?

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube


Rapid Fire Montréal Qs

Favourite local restaurant:

Dièse Onze. Great jazz club and great food.

Favourite street in your city:

Summit Circle, Westmount. The view…

Favourite park in your city:

Murray Hill Park, Westmount. A gem.

Favourite music venue in your city:

Easy to guess from my previous answers. But there are many other great ones.

Favourite music store in your city:

Easy to guess from my previous answers (yes, they do have a great record store as well).



About Demian Vernieri 536 Articles
Demian is an Argentinian retired musician, avid gamer and editor for the Montréal Guardian, Toronto Guardian, Calgary Guardian and Vancouver Guardian websites.