Five Minutes With: Montréal-based Composer Patrick Giguère

Patrick Giguère, a Quebecois musician and composer based in Montreal, is deeply immersed in the world of music creation, constantly evolving and exploring new avenues of expression. While he primarily focuses on writing music for acoustic instruments, ranging from solo pieces to orchestral compositions, his recent work reflects a growing fascination with improvised musical practices and collaborative endeavours. His music strikes a delicate balance between the personal and the communal, offering a meditative yet vibrant experience that resonates with audiences across the Americas and Europe. Notable highlights of his career include collaborative projects like “émettre un son, vérifier sa propre existence”, showcased at the Picanto Festival of the Canadian Music Center in 2022, and his ambitious vocal work “Lui,” premiered by Paramirabo, Vincent Ranallo, and Jean-François Daigneault in 2021. His compositions have been recorded and performed by esteemed ensembles such as the London Symphony Orchestra and Quatuor Bozzini, showcasing his versatility and depth as a composer. The artistic journey of Patrick Giguère has been shaped by his academic pursuits, including a PhD from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, where he delved into the concept of duende and the values of spontaneity, authenticity, and exploration in the creative process. His postdoctoral project at Université de Montréal and Centre des Musiciens du Monde underscores his commitment to fostering collaboration among musicians from diverse cultural backgrounds. Through his music, Patrick Giguère seeks to transcend the boundaries of conventional expression, infusing his compositions with beauty, poetry, and magic to create transformative experiences for performers and listeners alike. His dedication to innovation and inclusivity reflects a profound belief in the power of music to inspire change and shape the future of society.

Patrick Giguère


Patrick Giguère


My music can be labelled as new instrumental classical music or contemporary music. This being said, I’m interested in a lot of different musical styles, and through years of exploration and self-discovery, I’ve somewhat built my own thing.


I’ve been doing this for a while now, but we can say that I started my professional career in 2011.

# of Albums:


Latest Album: 

This is my very first solo album! But I do have music recorded on other’s people albums. My piece Revealing was recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra and conducted by François-Xavier Roth, on an album called Panufnik 3.

Latest Single:

David Therrien-Brongo recorded my piece Laisser surgir. My piece called Le Sel de la Terre was performed by Thin Edge New Music Collective and recorded on their fabulous album Raging Against the Machine.

Latest Video:

This is a video recording of my live performance “émettre un son, vérifier sa propre existence” that was captured for the Picanto Festival back in 2022. There was magic in the air during this performance!

Favourite musician growing up:

The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Karkwa

Favourite musician now:

Oh, this is a hard one…the thing is, I love many different types of music. Let’s say that in my field, new music, I would say that the Canadian composers Cassandra Miller and Martin Arnold are major inspirations for me. Persian singer Parissa changed my life. I’m a total Mozart fan. I’m still brokenhearted that Malajube are not together anymore, even after all these years.

Guilty pleasure song:

…all of ABBA’s songs, in particular the ones that are not on the Gold Greatest Hits album that most people know.

Live show ritual:

Beer after?

Favourite local musician:

Another very difficult question, as Montreal is filled with talented musicians. In new music, I would say the Bozzini Quartet. They have a clear vision and they are not trying to please everybody. Their style is very seducing and they have a knack for collaborating with fabulous composers.

I went to see TEKE:TEKE, the Montreal-based Japanese surf rock psychedelic band, at the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal, and it was just so much fun. Incredible!

EP or LP?

LP all the way. Listening to an EP leaves me hungry and wanting for more.

Early bird or night owl?

Depends on my mood! I love sleeping, but when the creative juices are flowing, it gets really hard to sleep! I often wake up in the middle of the night and have to write down ideas.

Road or studio?

I love travelling!

Any shows or albums coming up?

Yes, Cheryl Duvall (pianist) and I (composer) new album, Intimes exubérances. It features an ambitious hour-long piano piece of mine.

Where can we follow you?

Website | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook


Rapid Fire Local Questions:

 What is your favourite local restaurant?

Verdun Beach! Wonderful food, fabulous nature wines, and cute people!

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

Saint-Laurent, beyond any doubt. You can find everything you want, it’s filled with quirky shops and it is so diverse in terms of culture. There are many Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Indian, Brazilian, and Greek shops and restaurants, it’s amazing!

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

Verdun’s Parc des rapides, right by the Fleuve Saint-Laurent. I live in the area and I feel so lucky to have such easy access to nature. The birdwatching is great!

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

La Sala Rossa, I’ve seen so many shows there. It’s such an important part of the independent music community.

What is your favourite music store in your city?

Moog Audio on Saint-Laurent.


About Emilea Semancik 106 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: