Five Minutes With: Montréal Duo The Sound of Eddy

Montréal duo The Sound Of Eddy is the fruit of a collaboration between singer Abigail Galwey and bassist Danny Trudeau. The artistic whirlwind triggered by the collision of these two minds is at the core of their sonic identity. Inspired by trip-hop, psychedelic soul and punk, as well as literature and theatre, The Sound Of Eddy absorbs these influences and makes something new out of them. You get the feeling that the band is intentionally steering their ship, like a musical expedition, into uncharted waters. They embrace unfamiliar sounds and explore song structures that evolve like a good story, with unexpected turns that grab the listener’s attention.

An adventurous spirit is one of the band’s virtues, exemplifying courage and a willingness to try new things. To frame the vision of forward-thinking music, Joe Grass (Elisapie, Patrick Watson) produced the debut album “Fluid”, released in September 2022. The band has completed the production of a second opus, “Ladders”, with Blaise Borboën-Léonard (Lydia Képinski) at the helm. It is slated for release in the fall, and the first single, Doused Deep Inland, will be released on April 25, 2024.

The Sound of Eddy


The Sound Of Eddy


Psychedelic-pop, trip-hop, r&b



# of Albums:

1 album + 1 EP coming out August 30 2024

Latest Album:

Ladders (coming out August 30)

Latest Single:

Doused Deep Inland

Latest Video: 

Favourite musician growing up:

Abi: Iggy Pop

Danny: Mark Ronson

Favourite musician now:

A: Joe Talbot (IDLES)

D: Anderson.Paak

Guilty pleasure song

A: The weekend – blinding lights

D: Dua Lipa – Dance the Night

Live show ritual:

A: Crying

D: Wim Hof breathing

Favourite local musician:

A: Just the one ???? Debby Friday (Canada) & if we’re talking local local like MTL, I’ll say Hawa B

D: Magi Merlin

EP or LP?

A: I have no preference, to be honest, I like both equally

D: I love LPs. Especially B-sides. For real. Those are always the best songs on an album.

Early bird or night owl?

A: Depends for what! But I guess early bird which I never would’ve said 5 years ago

D: Early bird. Which I was definitely not before having kids.

Road or studio?

A: I’ve never been on the road so I’ll say studio but I’m sure I’d prefer the road.

D: I love being on the road for travelling. But I reaaaaally love studio.

Any shows or albums coming up? 

New single ‘Airport’

Where can we follow you?

Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok


Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

A: Vinvinvin

D: Damas

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

A: Parc Avenue, because that’s where I grew up

D: Ste-Catherines, in summertime, Cus that’s where all the festivals are.

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

A: Jarryyyyyyy !!!! cus it’s the best

D: Molson. Well, I have kids and it’s their favourite but mine too because I can have a picnic there with wine and a joint. Oh and sometimes Arnaud Soly hangs there too.

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

A: Quai des brumes

D: Théâtre corona. Good memories there.

What is your favourite music store in your city?

A: The death of vinyl

D: Aux33tours


About Emilea Semancik 139 Articles
Emilea Semancik was born in North Vancouver. Emilea has always always wanted to work as a freelance writer and currently writes for the Vancouver Guardian. Taking influence from journalism culture surrounding the great and late Anthony Bourdain, she is a recipe author working towards publishing her own series of books. You can find her food blog on Instagram: