Scallop ceviche with pistachios recipe by Patricia Canales

Patricia Canales shared this week’s recipe with us for Scallop ceviche with pistachios from Soleil du Sud.

“It is with a heart filled with joy that I share my passion with you! 😊 Which is to discover products from sustainable and healthy sources. This year I decided to participate in the Ocean Wise Seafood Festival to encourage this organization’s mission to protect the oceans. Behind every product, there is a story! Stay tuned that there are more Ocean wise recommended products coming soon!”- Patricia Canales, Soleil du Sud.

Scallop ceviche with pistachios

Soleil du Sud Scallop ceviche with pistachios

Serving for 2 people per bag of 340g


-1/4 red onion

-Handful of pistachios

-Handful of walnuts

-1 tbsp fresh coriander

-Juice of 1/2 lime

-Salt & pepper

-1 bag of Peruvian Scallops The Southern Sun

-2 small red Jalapeño


1. Soak the sliced red onion in warm water for at least 5 minutes

2. Chop the walnuts and pistachios

3. Cut the Jalapeños into small pieces and exclude the seeds

4. Chop the fresh coriander

5. Rinse the scallops in cold water and dry them with a cloth

6. In a plate or bowl, assemble all the ingredients – scallops, red onion, walnuts, pistachios, jalapeños and coriander

7. Finally, squeeze the file (but not too much!)

8. Mix everything together

9. Salt and pepper to taste



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